Monday, April 30, 2012

Krazy's Wedding

Wedding, wedding, wedding!!

That's all I seem to hear anymore! I think I'm losing it. Of course, at the beginning of the engagement I was so excited to plan our wedding. Seriously, I have no clue how anyone could stand to be around me (thanks for hanging in there with me guys!). I feel bad for MIL. She had to not only listen to me, she had Krazy to listen to, as well.

As soon as Fiance & I found our venue, my picture perfect wedding came to my head effortlessly. I knew my colors, decorations, feel, music, outfits, everything. Krazy was a different story. While I had colors picked out, and was trying on every dress at David's Bridal, Krazy wouldn't pick colors til she found her dress (to be honest, I don't think she ever went dress shopping in person) and wouldn't pick a dress until the next Hailey's Comet came and the President did the Funky Chicken.

Krazy and I didn't talk much about our own weddings to each other. I don't know about her, but I didn't tell her much details because she had this tendency to try and one up people. We chose June, and suddenly she tried to change her August wedding to May. HAHAHA, nice try girlie, but FIL said "no" to you. She may have had the Church reserved, but that's A-ok by us!

Then came a quiet period. No biggie, I was too. I didn't want to get burned out too early on planning so I took a break for the summer. So I figured Krazy did, too. Ooohh, she took a break alright. I wish I remembered how we found out. Our family told us one helluva story, and one of my close friends told us the same story. Grab some popcorn and sit back. This is what daytime television is made of:

Krazy was in a local wedding (not too much of a shocker considering the bride had more bridesmaids than Fiance has cousins (trust me, thats a lot!). Krazy, Bonehead, and their daughter had great time, drinking, eating, and dancing. I guess Krazy got a little too crazy and let that dress go to her head. Come to find out, Krazy gave her number to another wedding go-er and not with innocent intentions. No one in the family had seen them "over" so fast! I don't think it was 1wk before they had their things split and moved out. It was odd, there felt like the family was stronger then. All supporting our Middle Bro. She's never been welcome in TheInlaws home since.

Middle Bro spent a long time living with his parents, but him and Roomie (ExRoomie?!) are both living together down the road from us. Krazy's been absent from our lives for the most part. Middle Bro meets Krazy to pick up his daughter, but she's never been around Fiance and I.

But ya know, it's pretty damn awesome when I get a phone call from a friend with the best damn information about Krazy...


  1. It's funny how getting the venue just makes you realize how perfect it is, right? I think, sometimes, the venue is more the "OMG EXCITED!" moment than the dress.

    Krazy was probably waiting for a trip to New York or something so she could do "real" dress shopping and get her $10,000 dress.

    As for wedding date, she was stupid to try to set it the month before yours. She thought it would one up you, but honestly you could've taken notes and made sure your wedding was waaaay better than hers. Not that you're that kind of person, but just goes to show you how she isn't very bright.

    Is there new info on Krazy? Do tell. Do tell.

  2. I do have new information on Krazy! That's why I had to kinda jump to the split. Hoping to write the next blog post this week!
